Explore the Sacred Mayan Calendar
w/ Tata Walter

A Florecer Virtual Experience

August 17-September 5th

Starting on one of the most important days in the cosmovision (8 B’atz)

In this cycle of the 8 B’atz we feel fortunate to start the new path like the new seed that the divine mother receives in her womb. We have the privilege of being born again, here life begins again. We invite you to share the essence of the birth of a new time with the guidance of the sacred monkey, we will be connecting twice a week to nourish our practices with the essence of sacred calendar, let us remember that within this calendar we can find the flow of time the natural

Tata Walter

Join Tata Walter on a truly profound journey of the Mayan sacred calendar known as the cholq'ij as we gather each day of the 20 day count to open the understanding of each Nahual- the Mayan sacred energies that are known as the grandfathers and grandmothers that guide the way.

Journey with Florecer Community + Tata Walter

Through these 20 days you will get to hear from Tata Walter his connection to each energy and you are invited to see how each energy activates for you through each day. It is the combination of knowledge and experience that integrates wisdom and although this is very much an introduction to each energy and the Mayan cosmovision, it will activate much more awareness on how to connect to this calendar.


About the Experience

  • Dates + Details

    August 17- September 5th, 2023
    We will be Meeting daily via Zoom
    August 17th, 5:30pm EST
    Sept 5th, 8pm EST
    Rest of days, 10:30 am EST

    First and last session 90 minutes
    Rest of the sessions 30 minutes

    *All sessions will be recorded + uploaded into your Mighty Networks Course Page in case anyone needs to miss a session

  • Who is this journey for?

    ✅ Those looking to deepen their relationship to their sacred path

    ✅ Those who have been wanting to better understand the Mayan cosmovision

    ✅ Those wanting to honor and respect the ancient traditions and indigenous ways

    ✅ Those who are wanting to deepen their understanding to the Mayan traditions

    ✅ Those wanting to gather in community for a sacred journey

Meet Tata Walter

Tata Walter is from the Kaqchikel Nation of Guatemala. From a very young age, Walter began to get involved and connect with his roots and ancestral Mayan knowledge.

More than a decade ago, he began to share the principles of alternative medicine with medicinal plants, metaphysics, philosophy, and the Mayan worldview. As well as the contributions and development of ancestral pedagogy, A native of San Marcos la Laguna on Lake Atitlán, Walter currently participates in different activities in his community protecting rights of water.

Although he spends in educate, ceremonies of Cacao and Fire, guardian of
the days, (day keeper) Mayan spiritual guide of the Kaqchikel Nation,
graduate of Pedagogue and Psychologist, Member of the Ancestral Wisdom
Foundation, United Nations of the Spirit, Guardian of Mother Earth who has
participated in different workshops related to neuroscience and related
processes. Founder Mayan cosmovision Studio, Tulan, Co-founder

A percentage of the program will also go to certain local projects Tata Walter has been working on within his community.

Register Today

Any questions? Email hello@flourishingoneness.com